Pray for this weekend.
We are getting ready to leave in a little bit. This weekend, Chuck and I are going on a retreat with our Semp group. This includes 15 teens and 4 of us leaders. Pray that God does GREAT things this weekend, as I know He will!
This retreat is designed to get us together as a true team, and to get to know each other a lot better. There are three 8th graders coming on the trip that we really don’t know at all since they just graduated from Jr. High. Chuck has been working hard at putting this retreat together. He will be speaking 6 times, and then has to speak again on Sunday morning to the whole youth group.
Pray for strength, and especially wisdom for Chuckie! Pray as he teaches the teens how to share the gospel with others.
Pray for me to get to know the girls better, especially the 8th graders.
Pray that God works in hearts and that it would be a valuable weekend together. Pray that we begin to feel confidant about sharing the gospel.
Thank you so much for praying for us! We rest in the power of those prayers!