My Love
Happy Two Year Anniversary to my Love! How have two years really gone by? I still find myself having nightmares that Chuck and I are not yet married, and in these nightmares, I long to be his wife. When I wake up, it is an amazing relief to realize that I am TRULY married to the love of my life. FOR REAL. I love Charles Robert Dubbe so much. Like crazy. It’s incredible to be his wife. When I walked into the sanctuary the day I married him, I could not wait to see his handsome face. I had to look as soon as I could.
Chuckie clearly felt the same way.
I suppose most married couples feel the way we do, but I still want to say it. I absolutely love spending every minute of every day with my Love. If I could, I would have him home all day every day. I enjoy his presence. I enjoy hearing him stomp (it’s how he walks!) around our apartment, and rummage around in the fridge when he’s bored. This man makes me so HAPPY. If this animated picture doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what would!
My husband is my most favorite companion. I appreciate that he exercises with me on all of his days off. Even though my exercise is “only” walking. We love talking about all of the people in our lives. Our family, our friends, our neighbors. We love reaching out to those around us and sharing Christ with them together. I’m blessed that I no longer have to live alone! I never thought this day would come.
Even when we go through the darkest of times, like losing our precious baby, Chuck is a solid force for me. When I was struggling so bad physically, he literally held me as I stumbled to the bathroom. He made the bed for me when I was too weak to pull back the covers. He set his alarm for 3 in the morning to give me my pain medication. He learned how to make a home-made heating pad, and re-heated the thing countless times for me. You don’t imagine these things when standing at the altar, but they are real and they are true and God has drawn us closer together in the midst of it.
I adore watching my Babe with the teens. He is a natural-born leader and he leads so well. It’s such a joy for me to see him lead a discussion, run an entire retreat, or speak to over a hundred teens on a Sunday morning and radiate with joy in doing so. It’s crazy to see him pour hours of his free time into power point slides that the teens will be drawn to at an event. I love being married to a man who knows exactly who he is and exactly how God wants him to spend his life. With me and with teens!
God has blessed us together. Two years later, we are happy. A little battered, a little bruised, but wiser, stronger, and more in love than ever before.
Happy Anniversary (a couple days early!) Dovo! I love you so. And Happy Father’s Day to you. I can’t wait to spend eternity with our Savior and finally get to meet our very own Little Love.
(Photos again by the rock star: Joanna Nunemaker!)
2 thoughts on “My Love”
how happy you are!! yay!!!! what a joy to see!! thanks to our GOD! love looking through all of the pics…love them so much.
It makes me happy to see you happy. =)