Precious Times
Chuck is the best at making me feel super special on my birthday. He wraps gifts so beautifully! Almost makes me not want to open them. Almost. This picture was taken the morning of my birthday, right before we left for church. I loved that he picked out this wrapping paper with the coordinating gift bag. The pattern was just adorable. Plus, it matched the coat he got me for Christmas. =)
Having a birthday on a Sunday is interesting, especially when Sundays are usually pretty busy days for us. On this day, Chuck made me breakfast and then took me to Starbucks before we went to AM Gap (our teen group). What could be better than starting the day with a Starbucks Green Tea Soy Latte?! Later in the morning, as I sat with some girls at a table in our youth room Chuck gave the announcements. When he was done he asked the teens to guess who the person on the next slide was:
One of the teens yelled out, “Your wife!” and he was correct. There I was in all my 4-year-old-glory up on the 2 big screens. I was totally surprised, and really touched. All I could do was laugh at the little picture and smile til my cheeks hurt. There is just something about being remembered and acknowledged that gets me deep down in my heart and makes it soar. I was instructed to stand while 100 and some teens sang to me. Thankfully I still had my Starbucks cup in hand- a great security blanket. I truly felt on top of the world. My husband singled me out in front of all those teens and adults and essentially said, “My wife matters to me.” What a gift.
Once AM Gap ended, my friend Jessi came into the youth room, gave me a huge hug, wished me Happy Birthday and told me she loved me. I could have cried. And then she added a sweet card and gift on top of all that. I am so very blessed.
Later that night Chuck, and our close friends Ben and Jess took me to dinner at Big Bowl. The very same Big Bowl I had experienced about 6 years ago under not-so-great circumstances. How sweet to be back there in a whole new context, married to the love of my life, celebrating with wonderful friends. Thank you, Jesus- my sweet Redeemer.
After dinner, Skpying with my parents while I opened their gifts was on the agenda. They completely surprised me with these jeans I had been wanting for well over 6 months that were impossible to find anywhere. My parents are pretty hard core shoppers. Leave it to them to find the magic jeans. Whoo hoo! Later Chuck, Ben, Jess, and I had some cake given to us by Chuck’s sister. There was certainly love coming from all over the place! I won’t mention all the precious moments from the day, or all the people who touched my heart, but know that I am overflowing with thankfulness.
Oh, and yes. Those beautifully wrapped presents contained amazingly sweet gifts. Another day. Another post. =)
5 thoughts on “Precious Times”
awww Abs! I totally agree, being singled, remembered and told that we matter is so HUGE! (surprised that you and I share that thought? I'm not… lol) so good to see you this past week (TWICE)… let's keep it up! lovies
Yay!! So glad you had a special birthday! love ya 🙂
what can I say? you're worth every bit of it and more!
cherish the memories.
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wow, you really did have an amazing birthday. of course, i think getting those magic jeans were the most excting thing to read about….or maybe not… you have an amazing honey, and some wonderful friends…you are blessed!!!