The sickie ickies have taken over my body. Chuck and I went on a 4 day, very loooooooooong and exhausting teen retreat over a week ago, and I haven’t been the same since. The cool news is, I went skiing for the very first time! A few of the girls and I took a lesson together and really had an awesome experience. For those of you familiar with good ‘ol NEPA, we went to Elk Mountain. Elk is particularly special in my heart because that’s where I’d go with family and friends for years, but only during the Fall. We’d go to a Fall festival there and then ride the ski lift to the top to take in the gorgeous view.
Since NEPA is where I grew up, it was very weird having my worlds collide. Especially when we took 4 buses of teens to Clarks Summit to eat dinner. My parents joined in with us at Taco Bell and it was absolutely surreal. I told as many teens as I could, “This is my home town! This is where I grew up!” Truly crazy. Loved seeing my parents, loved hanging out with the teens, loved skiing, but hated getting sick.
Thankfully I have the best husband-nurse on the planet. Since our February has been super busy, he has more-than-enough hours to stay home with me. I love it. (He just came home with an Auntie Anne’s for me.) Even if I’m just watching a Netflix and he’s reading, I just like having him there. Oh, and because I’ve succumbed to way too much day-time television, I happen to know that both Oprah AND Hugh Laurie have the ickes, too.
2 thoughts on “Ickies.”
I bet you got the term "sickie ickies" from Luke didn't you?
I love sking