When we (Dan, Mom, Renate, Chuck and I) pulled into the Dubbe’s driveway, I all of the sudden felt this nervous excitement. I told everybody as I climbed out of the back seat, “Geez, I don’t know why I’M nervous!” When we walked in the front door, there began the trail of pink rose petals. That pretty much confirmed my suspicions, but you never know. I stopped by the little girls room (AFTER I took my shoes off, of course 😉 as soon as we got back though so I missed the big announcement!
When I went into the dining room, Anni (Tim’s girlfriend) and Tim were out on the porch so I followed them to see what they were looking at. When I glanced over the railing, there was a huge German sentence dug out into the snow, all lit up with candles. I was so excited and frustrated all at once. Practically jumping up and down I said, “WHAT DOES IT SAY?!” Timmy beamed at me and translated, “It says ‘Will you be my wife?’ ” (Commence screaming.) AHHHHH!! I flung my arms around Anni and we hugged and laughed and teared up and did all the girlie reactions that could be expected. She immediately showed me her left hand and we squealed and laughed so more. CHUCK’S LITTLE BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED!!!! (The 2nd to youngest brother. Have I mentioned Chuck is one of 5 boys??)
When the whole fam finally met back up in the dinning room we all stood in a circle (I don’t know why, I guess we were just so excited!) and Anni burst into tears. So, of course, I burst into tears and we all started laughing. Anni said (in German) “Group hug!” and hug we did.
It was really, really amazing to be there to celebrate with them. We all sat around the big dinning room table (I love their dinning room table) and ate pizza. Side note: Germans serve hard boiled eggs on their pizzas and their “pepperoni” which isn’t the kind we usually have, is fantastic! I think I can leave the egg pizza in Germany, though. 😉 So anyway, we all sat there for a long time just talking, and laughing. We were all so excited you could just feel the buzz in the room. What an honor to be able to spend those precious moments with them. It really was….what other word could I use but this….SO SPECIAL!
So yes, Michelle, you are correct! Someone DID get engaged! We can’t wait to watch them get married this August….back to Germany we go. WHOO HOO!
Congrats Timmy and Anni, we love you both very much!
4 thoughts on “Congrats!”
I waited until the last post on your blog of the visit to Germany to say something…these were great and gave me an insight to your visit from your perspective. I really enjoyed reading your posts and seeing the pictures! Love you!
way to go Abs for writing 14 posts in 14 days! it was fun to revisit the memories. how come you didn't mention the "fun" 8 hour potluck church services with the Tower-of-Babel conversations? 😉
yay!! congrats to tim and anni!! i am very excited for them. wish i could go to the wedding….that would be an amazing experience….
Very very nice post and very great information. This blog is very intresting and informative. keep it up dud!!!!!! very nice work