2 Weeks
Our two week trip to Germany could never be captured into one blog post. Our trip may, however, be captured in a blog post a day for two weeks. I thought it would be fun to focus 14 posts in a row on our special trip, as well as 14 different pictures. This is also a great way for me to stretch my writing muscles as they have been super dormant lately.
Our journey started off pretty rough. We realized on Sunday night (Our flight was scheduled to leave on Monday at 5pm) that my passport still had my maiden name on it. Ugh. After having checked and re-checked my passport’s expiration date, it never occurred to me to check my own name. As Chuck was checking our bags in online, he realized the name debacle.
God provided one solution after another and totally took care of the passport issue. That is really an amazing story in and of itself. Needless to say, about 3 and a half hours before our plane took off, I officially received my new (EXPENSIVE) passport. Our Monday had started off at 5am. We were just looking forward to “crashing” on the eight hour flight.
Well one thing led to another and after about 7 hours we landed in Munich instead of Frankfort. The snow was pretty bad so we were forced to wait on the plane for two hours and anticipated flying on to Frankfort. Instead we ended up being told to exit the plane as our flight was now canceled. LONG story short, we took a long, slow bus ride to Frankfort- which is where this picture was taken. It is also where we did not receive our luggage. Mine did come three days later, while Chuck’s arrived less than a week before we left to come back home. Poor guy. He really did have the most amazing attitude and my admiration for his positive spirit grew even more. All in all, from the time we landed in Munich until we actually reached Chuck’s parent’s was about 12 hours. This picture was taken on our bus ride. We hadn’t slept for hours and our bodies were pretty miserable. BUT, we were thankful we had each other and God certainly gave us a lot to laugh about!
One thought on “2 Weeks”
I am so excited to follow your 14 days of Germany blogging! Makes me wish I had done something similar. I liked your use of the phrase "stretch my writing muscles"… I too, want/need to write more. Poor Jamie and Gretchen had a similar nightmarish travel experience just trying to GET to Germany…. maybe the country just really wants to test you and weed out the ones who don't really care as much to get there, haha. Love you!