Ruby Red Slippers
It’s been a whirlwind the past 7 weeks. Seriously. I feel like Dorothy in the scene where she looks out her bedroom window in the midst of the tornado and see’s bits and pieces of her life (cows, fences, people, pigs) whizzing around her. Thankfully there are not many cows, fences, and pigs in NOVA, but there are PLENTY of people in need of God’s love. And those people are whizzing around us daily. Chuck and I are very honored to be apart of Reston Bible Church’s Sr. High staff as we strive to love on and serve teens full-time. (I say “we” but really only Chuck is on staff. I am still processing and finding my role. You can pray for me in that area.)
Chuck is very happy in his new role, but spends of lot of time battling stress, being overwhelmed, and finding his way in this totally new ministry. He has an awesome mentor and leader (his “boss”- the head youth Pastor, Bob) and that is a big answer to prayer. I think we are battling those areas together as a family as well. Finding the balance of family/marriage and ministry is a new rock for us to climb.
Yes, I have been writing! Here are links to 2 of my most recent articles.
A Christian teen E-magazine put out by BBC. I write for them once a month.
The Baptist Bulletin
A magazine where I did my internship in college. They contacted me to write an article on one of my very best friends!
Remember to search “Abigail Dubbe” as the author. Some people have gotten confused looking for “Amos”. 😉
Chuck and I would love your prayers for us. Pray for our marriage as we navigate our way through this entirely new journey of ministry with teens. Pray for Chuck July 25-31 as he’ll be at summer camp. He’ll be speaking on Wed and Fri mornings. He is spending a lot of time and energy this week preparing and I know it’s overwhelming for him.
3 thoughts on “Ruby Red Slippers”
I am so happy for you that God has opened this door of ministry. My prayer is that your marriage will be strengthened as you serve Him together. Don't lose that love you've got one for another, don't trade it for anything.
It has been a whirlwind. Thank you so much for being there for me and continue to help me find the balance in our hectic schedule. I love you babe!
beautiful blog..pls visit mine and be a follower.. thanks and God bless..