

It’s been mentioned before, but now I can finally post the real, live version of my first published article in a magazine since being a Dubbe. I praise God for absolutely amazing opportunities! (Published in the May/June 2010 issue of The Baptist Bulletin)

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8 thoughts on “Published?!

  1. Abby, i loved your article!!!! so honest and real. and i just have to say that you've reminded me of the blessing i have to be a stay at home wife and mom. we decided to do that when i was 6 mos. pregnant with Ari. for 3 1/2 yrs. we've been making it on 1 income and we've added another member of the family since 🙂 it's amazing how the Lord provides even when we feel like we're at the bottom of our financial resources. i'm glad that you 2 have decided to stick to what you believe is right for you.

  2. Great article Abby! This is such a hot topic!! Our culture gives identity and value to people through "what they do" and women especially feel this pressure (including me). But our identity and value should come through Christ alone. I have talked to so many women who struggle with this and would love give up their jobs to stay at home . . .

  3. Roomie!! I absolutely LOVED your article! I am so glad you posted it, I was about ready to order a copy of the BB for myself! 🙂 I could picture you the whole time in the article and it was such an encouragement to me as a stay at home wife as well! Thank you and LOVE you!! Roomie!

  4. Super article Abby! I can certainly identify with a lot of your emotions. There have also been many times in our life together where I thought…if only I had a job, then maybe we could have more, do more, pay off this or that debt etc., but God has always provided. Love you!

  5. That's such a GREAT article Abby. I was almost in tears reading it.. [i had to hold them back because i'm at work..] It makes me ponder about who my future husband will be. While I don't feel called to be a stay-at-home wife, you kind-of make me want to be one now, after reading that! I do hope that I have a husband that is just as supportive as Chuck is of your dreams. :]

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