God has flung the doors of writing opportunity wide open for me in the last several months. Baptist Bible College (my Alma Mater, yay class of 2004!) has recently developed a teen E-magazine that just came out yesterday. I had the privilege of writing an article for them.  I guess they liked me because I am now going to be published monthly by iMPACT.   If interested, you can check out the magazine here:

iMPACT is looking for feedback on their first edition.  There is a “comment” button that you can click on at the top right corner of each page.  Please feel free to share any insight, helpful suggestions, or positive feedback that you have.  It would be extra great if any TEENS out there could check it out!

I’m super excited!

One thought on “iMPACT!

  1. Roomie! I have been meaning to write loads of comments on your blog…so I will start here! I loved your article! It was very thought provoking and relevant to college kids (and everyone really). I remember when I read the article that it reminded me of what impacted me in college about saving myself. It was actually something your mom said, it was that talk she gave the one year in dorm devos, she was talking about the beauty of sex and because it was meant as something special, personal, intimate, between lovers and meant to be beautiful that it was something that was worth waiting for. I remember thinking than that being told of the beauty of sex was a stronger impact than being told that I should just wait cuz that's what the bible says. Being persuaded of the worthiness of waiting firmed in my mind that I would wait forever for it so that it would be what God intended, beautiful.
    I love you and i love reading your articles! Keep 'um coming!

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