Ich spreche ein bisschen deutsch!
Translation: I speak a LITTLE German! I have completed my first two weeks of German class and am really excited about the next 18 weeks. But, backing up the truck a wee bit…
One of the most fascinating aspects about my husband, Chuck is that he was raised as an American-German. When I first met him I wanted to ask a billion questions about Germany and I couldn’t wait to hear him speak the language. Luckily I refrained from going over board, and it’s a good thing because I found out later how irritating it is to him when someone says, “Say something in German!” It’s now hilarious to me when I watch it happen to him. 😉
While we were engaged, Chuck went back to Germany for 10 days. It didn’t work out for me to be able to go and I was devastated. I dreaded the day he flew over there without me. I wanted so badly to experience the only home he had known. I wanted to learn about the culture he grew up in and watch him interact with his family and friends that were still over there. Now, a little over a year later, we are married and are planning a trip to Germany TOGETHER! Excitement does not do justice in explaining how my heart feels.
In preparation for our big trip coming up, I have committed to a 100 day, 20 week German-speaking class. Chuck found me the sweetest online teacher, Catriona. She works out of Radio Lingua International and their philosophy is to teach German “Step by step, day by day, phrase by phrase.” It’s such a blast! I really desire to know some basic German small talk so that when we go over there I can put forth great effort in connecting with the Germans that I get to meet. A lot of the people Chuck wants me to meet will be equivalent to the Heritage Baptist Church crowd from my growing up years. My goal is to speak as much German as I can to show how much I care.
Plus learning German has helped me to connect with Chuck and his family even better. Hopefully I’ll be able to understand a bit more during those times when they throw German words into the conversation and I’m left elbowing Chuck under the table saying, “What did he/she say?!”
In honor of Chuck’s up-bringing, his family, and my fascination with Deutschland we decided to visit the brand new German-American museum in DC last weekend. (Though I must confess I chickened out in practicing my German to the lady working there!)
Schluss für heute. Tschüss!
5 thoughts on “Ich spreche ein bisschen deutsch!”
Roomie! This is soooo great! I can't wait to hear you speak German!! and you must stop off and see us! 🙂
Good for you. Awesome that you are trying to learn German and I am so happy for you guys that you will be heading to Germany!
Abby, can you send me a little info about your online German tutor? I have a friend who could really use a program like that. I'd appreciate it. Thanks. So cool that you're coming to Germany even though I probably won't be here when you do. 🙁
"Wunderbar! Űbung macht den Meister." You're making lots of progress and are doing a great job fitting in already! Even Monika (German lady at museum) thought you looked German. 🙂
hahahahaha! in the first picture of chuck he looks like he wants to kill you! in the second picture with handel's bust he looks like a manly man.. which is really awkward considering.. you know.. haha. SO great. I'm glad you are so excited about this! you can practice on me anytime, by the way!