With the temperature nearing 70 degrees today and these two beautiful bouquets around me I can’t help but proclaim that SPRING IS HERE!
My love tank is full and overflowing this week. We had a wonderful couple over for dinner the other night and they showed up with tulips! I have never had tulips before and I am just adoring them. Aren’t they just the cheeriest things?
My friend Laura likes to tease me that Chuck and I are “always” getting gift cards for restaurants. I keep telling her it’s not true, but then the other day I heard someone knocking on my door. I figured maintenance was stopping by to do some work or something. I peeked out our little peep hole, not recognizing the man but he was holding something. Well I opened the door and he said, “Abby?” I saw that he was holding one of those glorious fruit baskets and I thought, “This can’t be for me…” Sure enough! The card said “Chuck and Abby”! Wow! I was so shocked!
When I read the sweet card I was even more shocked! Chuck and I have been studying the fruits of the Spirit with our teen SG! Chuck has been preparing to teach about “goodness” and what did the card say? “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galations 5:22-23) I’m beginning to think maybe Laura is right after all.
We are truly blessed, blessed, BLESSED! Happy Spring!
4 thoughts on “Bouquets!”
YOU'VE NEVER HAD TULIPS!?! They are absolutely my favorite flower and I was just about to write about how the wonderful Cindy didn't even know that and got me a bouquet of them for my office! I LOVE tulips :] they are wonderful!
Indeed. It's been a wonderful week full of little blessings! I'm looking forward to the weekend, too!
The tulips are beautiful! And I love that you recognize these awesome blessings in your lives. That fruit basket looks delicious!
you ARE always getting gift cards!