

Birthdays are humbling.  Family and friends sending cards, gifts, receiving phone calls, and surprise cookie cakes truly touched my heart.  

My parents got me a web cam and it was a blast talking and SEEING my family for a couple hours.  Chail is finally calling me “Ta Ta” or “Tee Tee” (Auntie)!  He had called me that last time I saw him, but I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke.  Then, on my birthday while we were Skyping  Luke said, “Who is that?” (pointing to me on the screen) and Chail gleefully announced, “Ta Ta!”  Oh how I melted into a big ‘ol puddle. 

This year was even more humbling because it was my first birthday as Chuck’s wife.  True to who he is, from morning until night he made me feel like a Queen.  (Although I must say, that is how he consistently treats me anyway!)

This was clearly a “from morning” shot…
One of Chuck’s unique creations!
Out to eat at THEE phenomenal Arties.
Thanks to a gift card- yay!
The food was FABULOUS!  Neither of us can remember the last time we had such a delicious out-to-eat meal.  We almost died at how the rolls just melted in our mouths.
It is times like these when I am just overwhelmed at God’s gifts to me.  I do not deserve a loving family or loving friends, but God so graciously see’s fit that He pours out His love on me through them.  As if a personal relationship with God weren’t enough He also gives us His body (His people) all to lavish His love all the more.  Thank you God!  

3 thoughts on “Special

  1. Wow… love the wall creation. 🙂 And that food is making my mouth water even though I just ate breakfast. But, I love your statement about God's people being a gift above and beyond what we deserve since we already have such an amazing God. Lovely Abs… and Happy Late BDay.

  2. hey, i love the b-day pics! so glad we can skype as well!!! glad you had a wonderful day. makes me very very happy for you!! (the dinner does look quite yummy) p.s. thanks chuckles for making my little girl soo happy!

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