Stay-at-home-What?! Part III
So what do I DO all day?! Easy. I follow my heart’s desire and that is to take care of my husband! Obviously that can look a million different ways for a million different people. For me, I enjoy planning, creating, preparing, and administrating our home.
A friend gave me this awesome calendar and I write out chores, meals, activities, our schedules and fun stuff on there. Then during the week I pretty much follow the calendar. I love To-Do lists! I love keeping our home organized, cleaned and feeling homey. I love having every thing in it’s place so that when Chuck comes home from work he feels that he can sit down, relax and enjoy our home.
During the day I get to spend time with God, journal, read, study, prepare lessons (Youth Group Shepherd group I’ll be leading), and pray! I work out as well, which is amazing since last year I often was not able to. I enjoy planning meals, preparing dinner, making treats, you name it! It’s especially fun when we have family or friends over, which we love! I’ve been able to help friends, volunteer at events, and tomorrow I even get to go lobbying in DC!
And now, just this week, I started watching my friend’s baby! It’s only 2 days a week and I still get to stay home! God continues to provide! I am deeply grateful. I’m living the life of my dreams.
5 thoughts on “Stay-at-home-What?! Part III”
This calendar sounds amazing! I want one! 🙂 Does it have a brand name or somewhere I can look it up? Seriously, I feel a little lame for asking. 🙂 It may go on my Christmas list.
I asked her about the calendar too! It is a neat calendar.
You do a great job at keeping your home cozy, I always feel at home and welcomed 🙂
can't wait to see this cozy home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Now over a month later… I just read Stay-at-home-What?! Parts I,II,III again. I needed the refresher, cuz culture easily creeps in and squelches our passions if we don't watch out. I support you 100% babe!