

I had my first ultrasound yesterday! It’s a BOY! Not really. A common myth about ultrasounds is that they are used mostly for pregnancy. That was news to me. Apparently they are used mostly for OTHER tests, like mine.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed my first ultrasound! I never thought I’d be having one until the possibility of a human being inside me came about. None the less, it felt nice. Basically a twenty minute massage of sorts. Not bad.

I got a little nervous because the lady stayed on my right side for an awfully long time. I had a moment of “Ohmyword. Does she see something awful?!” No sense worrying. I’ll find out soon enough.

Yesterday also brought on a new symptom that actually proved quite frightening to me. More so because it proved to me that something more serious IS going on with my body. Another great reason why going to the specialist is essential. Not to mention getting the colonoscopy next week. I feel like I am 88 years old, instead of in my YOUNG (That’s right Jamie.) twenties.

Working 6 days a week, being responsible for a baby 9 hours a day M-F, being on my feet at Sbux 5 nights/times a week is really taking it’s toll on me. I feel tired. I feel cranky. I feel exhausted emotionally and physically. This whole health ordeal is definitely more of a stress weighing on me then I care to realize or admit.

Yes, there is a bright side! There always is! But today I don’t feel like it. Today, I just feel like being honest.

7 thoughts on “Ultra

  1. So if the last paragraph was to keep away encouraging thoughts – too bad. The beauty of this thing called church is we can be honest…so on our lamenting days we can be picked up, and vice versa. All that to say I have had my down days lately and during those days, the beautiful church picked me up. Here is a Scripture I have been consuming lately. Maybe it will help you Abs.

    My soul is downcast within me.
    Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.

    Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed.
    His compassions never fail.

    They are new every morning.
    Great is His faithfulness.

    The Lord is my portion.
    Therefore, I WILL (Abs – it really says that in the Bible) wait for Him.

    Sorry for the long comment – and what happened to “early” 20’s.

  2. abs…just want you to know that i am praying for you butt. didn’t think that would ever be something i would pray for, but from now on i will base true friendship upon this standard. love u.

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