

I am the worst Nanny on the planet! Maybe not as obnoxious as Fran, but I bet Fran never put the baby down for a nap at 8:45 AM, decided to take a little nap herself and slept until NOON! Thank goodness the babe was playing happily in his crib! I hope he doesn’t hold that against me for the rest of our lives…

5 thoughts on “Nanny??!

  1. I absolutely loved Fran, her nasal voice, her obnoxious cackle, and her mature humor! Ha. Don’t ask why, but it was something I looked forward to watching after working nights at the restaurant. 😀

  2. Yeah, well the dr said most likely – yeah…she said I need to get my thyroid radiated but I refuse at 25 years old to kill an organ that controls my hormones. I’m furious, so I’m going to go to a homeopathic dr to try to figure it out. I’ll email you later 🙂 It’s so dramatic. And you’re funny, it happens more than you think – as a mom!!

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