Out with the Old + A GIVE AWAY!
Hey Everybody! Welcome to the new blog! I’m so grateful you stopped over. I wish there was a way I could hand you a steamy, chubby mug of coffee or a mason jar filled with iced tea, and a warm slice of banana bread while you peruse the new digs. It’s just so lovely to have you!

Though I’ve been blogging for over 11 years, the blog hasn’t had a facelift in over 8! I happened to have married a Tech-RockSTAR who has encouraged me for yeeeeears to switch from Blogger to WordPress. As you may know, I have also been attending a writing Academy (Shout out to Write Brilliant!), and they have also encouraged (forced) me to switch to WordPress. Thank you to the Write Brilliant team for the final push, especially Margaret- who’s idea it was for me to get pictures done and to wear the blue top, Jonathan- who gave a killer talk in session 8 about blogging, including ditching Blogger, and Jessica who shared fabulous insight in our July Webinar!
It.feels.so.GRAND. It’s like the experience of cozying up on your couch with a vibrant new coat of paint on the walls. The bones are the same, but the look is scrumptious. Guys, I’ve finally adapted to living in 2017!
Thank you SO MUCH Babe (my husband, Chuck!) for taking hours to build my new site, and especially for staying up until 12:37 last night so I could share it today. (His bedtime is normally about 8:47pm.) You cheer me on and push me to tackle my dreams. You believe in who Jesus has crafted me to be. I love how you love me.
Thank you to my cousin, Kayla for taking me on not one, but two photo shoots to get just the right header photo. You have a generous heart and I am grateful for how you share your beautiful gift of photography with me.
Thank you to Leigh for the precious family photos you captured for us. If you live in her area, look her up for all your photography needs!
Thank you to my friend deAnn for teaching me the value and power of writing in community. Because of you, I’ve learned to be in-tune to the Spirit’s promptings in my writing and also that “Creativity burns Satan’s biscuits!” I’ve learned to embrace and celebrate the creativity God has gifted me- to ALL of us.
Lastly, THANK YOU my readers!! Thank you to those who have cheered me on for 11 years, to those who check in along the way, and to those who have just now stopped by. I value each one of you and am grateful to serve you here.
Here’s to many more years together. Let’s kick it off with a GIVE AWAY! I think I’d like to share that coffee or tea & banana bread with you, after all.
***For USA residents only (sorry my around the world friends!). To enter to win a Starbucks gift card:
1.) Please leave a comment on the blog about what brings YOU joy
2.) Share this post on your favorite social media account & tag me (@abigailjoydubbe)
Winner will be chosen at random and announced this Friday, August 25th.
36 thoughts on “Out with the Old + A GIVE AWAY!”
Congratulations on the new blog!! Hearing my children praise God in song or in prayer brings me joy!!
How very precious!!! And thank you!!!
What brings me trye joy is seeing others happy! When my kids or husband are rejoicing in something you cant wupe the smile off my face. Also i feel so happy inside! Good stuff!
Awesome new blog! Looking forward to the future reading
Awwww, that’s so sweet Tricia!! Thanks so much for reading!!
Thanks for the shoutout love, I can’t wait to see this new platform help you blossom even more!! I am getting my website redone and oh my it’s a TON of work. I have a techbabe of a friend who’s amazing so I get a new WordPress site too!!
Keep up the good work xoxo.
Oh that’s awesome!! I can’t wait to see it, girl!!! Wheww hoo!!
I am so excited for your new page. Many things bring me joy, but right now it’s praise and worship music. I love hearing and learning new songs to sing out to our Savior.
YES! I love this Bethany!! Right now I have, “King of My Heart” and “I Will Exalt” on repeat!! =)
I do know “King Of My Heart” & love that one! I will have to listen to the other:]
Mine right now is definitely “Hills and Valleys” & “What A Beautiful Name”
Yay! Yay! Yay! A fruity drink, a date-night, or a good book on a plane brings me great joy. Love the new hot and fresh blog Babe! 🙂
I love how hot and fresh YOU are!! 😉 Thanks Love!
The new blog looks great! Can’t wait to read the new content! Really good coffee, drives in the country by myself, corporate worship with my church family, seeing (rare) moments of genuine love between my boys, watching my kids do new things, and holding hands with my hubby all bring me joy these days. 🙂
Awww, my friend!! I read your blog religiously so I’m honored you’d read mine! I did not know that about your country driving!! I’d like to join you!! PLEASE COME VISIT US!!!
I’m really excited for you and how much you are stepping out with boldness! I know that’s not easy!! What brings me joy? A quiet morning with candles glowing, soft snow falling and a good book.
Mmmmm sounds lovely!! Thank you for always cheering me on, Billie!!
Yay!!! So excited with you Abs!!!! God has used your writing so much already! I can’t wait to see how He uses this new blog spot in your life!!!!
My joy right now is listening to sweet giggles between cousins. It might be crazy with 6 kids in the house, but these cousins will remember these 3 weeks and that brings a smile to my face and come on let’s face it, I need the “bucks” in my life to keep up with these kids lol
Haha!! You do need some Bucks!! I love you, girl & thank you so much for your kind words!!!
Abigail Joy Amos Dubbe brings me joy; and Jesus! 😉
Thank you Mother!!! =)
I would say good friends, coffee, and great books by scandalous writers brings me joy! Your blog looks great Abigail!!
I’m grateful to be your friend, drink coffee with you, & talk about those books!!!
Hi Abigail, Enjoyed your Blog , I enjoy Scrapbooking, Reading Karen Kingsbury books, family time when we are all together which isn’t often enough now that our son is a pastor & 5hrs away! Serving at our Connection Cafe at Bible Baptist Church, Our wonderful Ladies Bible Study on Wed. Nights!
Hi Joyce!! I LOVE Karen K’s books, too!! Can’t beat the huge Redemption series!!
When God gets the glory & we’re off in the shadows makes me joyful…and a hug from my son! Enjoyed your blog!
That is such a beautiful answer, Beth!!
What brings me true joy is the laughter of the kids down the kid::life hallway. It is my favorite place to be. ❤️
A big shout out to the fine folks who run it every week. I am privileged to be able to serve in the crawlers room and they all bless me every week.
How wonderful, Carol!! Thank you for sharing!!
11 years?! Incredible! Congratulations. I love the new look of the blog. Well done! Girl, I’m thankful we were in the same M2M group with such a sweet community of friendship that grew so quickly. I miss you already, but we’ll visit as we come through H’burg sometimes and always stop at JMU, of course. Now we’ll have multiple fun reasons to stop!
What brings me joy…seeing my kids learn something new, grow in their faith and then live it out in service and love to others…seeing my kids get along for at least a half hour straight…holding and snuggling babies (surprise, surprise)…giving gifts that are well planned or simply spontaneous…experiencing God’s beautiful grace for my painful trials when I am put in just the right place to help others through the same…spending time with my amazing Grandma, who is now 96!
Love you and your fam, and I’ll catch up soon!
Thank you Marisa! I’m so glad you have a connection to our new home! It’ll be so fun to see you down there, hopefully soon. I never would have guessed you love snuggling babies, LOL! You are a kind soul and I’m grateful for the sweet group we were able to be apart of together!
Girl, you made me tear up. I just love you to pieces! I’m so proud of you and I’m excited to watch where God leads you. I love the new site too! I need your tech rock star to fix my broken WordPress site. Be in joy!
Thank you, my friend!!! Your influence has been mighty in numerous ways! You should totally reach out to Chuck to see if he can help!
Hey congrats on the blog update it looks so cute. What brings me joy is reading how good my God is and laughing with friends.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth! Oh how I love a good laugh with friends, too!!
Sunrises and sunsets bring me joy! They are such brilliant reminders of God’s creativity: three dimensional and in living color, looking different depending on where you’re standing. I love how God has inserted his artwork rhythmically into each day.
Yes Sharon!! What an intrinsic perspective. Such gorgeous gifts from the Lord, twice a day, every day! Thank you so much for reading the blog!
The blog looks great! I love the cover photo, too. I was noticing how good it looked up at the top before I knew you had reworked the blog!